Friday, June 27, 2008

Dollar Dollar Bill Ya'll

Yesterday I went to Walmart to get a few things and do a little looking around. Jeremy is so sweet to give me a break and let me just go take off and get away for awhile. I've found out about a few websites that tell you about coupons and free stuff. I actually got a box of cereal for free!
So after I got all the stuff and was about to leave the store, I passed by the book section. Usually I don't stop there, but I've been wanting to get a book to read, so I figured I'd see what they got. As I was leaving the aisle, I saw a folded dollar bill on the floor! As I looked closer, I saw that it was a twenty!! Some people were passing by in the main aisle after I saw it, so I waited for them to pass and hoped they wouldn't see it. They didn't. I picked it up and immediately called Jeremy. I didn't know exactly what to do. I wanted to keep it, but I felt like the right thing was to give it to Customer Service and have them try and find the owner. When I have a conflict like that - what I want vs. what I think I should do - I ask Jeremy! I do it hoping he'll tell me to do the thing I want to do :) It makes me feel better about it if he says it's OK. He told me if there wasn't anyone around which there wasn't, then take the money and run! Just kidding. He did tell me to keep it, so I did. We'll use that money for a date!
I'm curious as to what everyone else would have done!
As I left the store, I was thinking watch me end up on one of those secret videos. The news station will do a piece on dishonest people and there I'll be picking up the $20.


Scott Blog said...

You did the right thing. Sounds like you have an intelligent and extremely handsome husband to suggest that course of action.

J. Scott

Michelle said...

Tough situation. I´m not sure what I would have done...because obviously if you ask anybody...even customer service...if they know who the owner is, its always them. Most people lie to get something that´s not theirs. So what would be correct? Don´t know there´s an old saying, "Finders, keepers; losers, weepers." Could be true?!?!

Amy said...

Tina! I'm glad you kept it. I was gonna say if you gave it back to customer service that would have been really dumb cuz they'll just put it in their own pocket or in their drawers. And heck as much as I shop at Walmart I'd say they owe it to me! have fun picking out what date night your going to do! :-)Wish I was that lucky.

Cindy said...

I've had a similar experience, except I watched a lady that was just at the bank drop some money and it turned out to be a $50 bill! I stood there with tears in my eyes because it would have helped us at the time. Long story short, I was able to catch up with the lady and gave her her money back. I think that since no one seemed to notice that they dropped $20 that the old playground "finders, keepers" rule is in effect. Great find! ;)

Emily said...

i would have taken it too. It's owner probably won't even know where or when they dropped that money... and customer service would have lined their own pockets with it, I know that for sure.

About a month ago, we had just gotten done with grocery shopping at Kroger and started out for our car. All of a sudden, Jeff sees a dollar bill blowing across the parking lot. He is always finding money, and so I razz him on it, and ask him where he is going to take me to lunch... and then, we look and there is money rolling all over the parking lot! We found a total of like $40 just rolling around blowing into puddles, rolling under cars, and into the street. It was fun-- like an easter egg hunt. ;)

Anonymous said...

Tina you crack me up! I say you did the right thing because if you give it to one of the customer service people, they probably would just keep it anyway, so you definately found it for a reason.

Do you remember that one time when we went to Albertson's (i think when you guys lived in the Cliffs) and in the self check-out I found almost $10 or so in the bill dispenser but you made me give it back to the cashier guy? I'm still upset about that haha just kidding :)

well i guess i will see you on friday! hopefully joby doesn't mess up the BBQ haha none of us think that he has cooked it before. Jeremy might have to fix them haha

Anonymous said...

Wow. :)

It's cash, pretty much untraceable. It's not like a bank card or check or something. I don't see how $20 (which many people have in their wallet/pocket/etc.) could be matched up with someone. Unless you actually saw someone drop it (which you didn't), I don't see where you did anything wrong.

Now a thousand dollar bill would be a different story. And possibly a rather dangerous one at that, depending on who dropped it (ominous music in background). :)
