Monday, July 30, 2007

End of week 8

It has been a solid 2 months for me diet wise. I weighed in at 247.7 lb's this morning so this past week I lost 1.8 lb's. Below my weekly goal but still not to bad. So in two months of healthy eating and occasional exercise I lost 29.2 lb's. I cant ever really see myself going back to eating the way I used to eat. When you do something multiple times a day for 2 months it kind of forms a habit.

I mentioned in a comment that I would blog on my degree plans. I am going to study Criminology. My plan is to complete this PhD degree and then ultimately be a professor in college. This is as close to a dream job from me as I can attain, since it doesn't look like a Major League Baseball career is going to work out for me. I have always had great interest in this field. It is really one of the very few subjects I have great interest in. The degree will most likely take around 4 years. I will be diminishing my work schedule a bit while I do this program and we will get by as best we can over the next 4 years.

We have had a good time with Asher visiting us. He really is a well behaved little guy. I fear at times I am to hard on him. I think I am hard on him because I want him to be a good person and since I have some experience with what he possibly could be if he takes after his mother I am doing everything I can think of to prevent certain characteristics.

Ayden is a delight. She is just such a beautiful little girl who loves to smile. Tina thinks she laughed for the first time the other day, but to me it sounded to me more like a cough laugh. She is 3 months old today.

Tina and Asher and I went fishing at a private pond this past weekend. I wanted to take them to a place where I was fairly certain we would all catch some fish. Well that didn't work out. Asher and Tina got several bites but never got one in the boat. I was able to get and keep one on the hook but it was embarrassing how small it was. It was probably about a 4 ounce fish. We also went to a little animal museum this past weekend. We got to see alot of snakes and some spiders. Asher seemed to enjoy it.

I will finish Harry Potter today, I stayed up till 2:30am trying to get as close to finished as I could. I will try to get the pictures up this evening. After watching Karate Kid 2 last night Asher is excited to see one, so I have to try and find that. For those of you who dint know Asher does Tai Kwon Do. I need a vacation.


scott.leesa said...

You're looking good...don't disappear on us! I have enjoyed the pictures LOTS! I think I like this blog!

Aunt Leesa

Scott Blog said...

I am glad to hear it Aunt Leesa. The pictures are coming. With Asher visiting we were a little busy so I wasnt able to get the pictures up as consistently. He went back this past Friday. I will be sure to get some pictures up tomorrow. I hope you are all doing well.