Monday, July 9, 2007

End of week 5

Some things are a mystery to me. For example why do pet owners with miniature poodles name their dogs "killer" or "fang"? Why do guys who become gay suddenly start talking with a lisp? Why did Julia Roberts marry Lyle Lofitz? Why was it called the black plague when not one black person died from it? (Editorial note: I made this last one up, it made for a better blog.) Why sometimes when a team looses their best player do they suddenly become a better team? Why can our bodies repair certain tissue/organs via cellular mitosis but then not repair other vital tissue/organs such as the heart? Why is Rosie O'Donnell famous? Why would anyone like the movie Pulp Fiction? And finally why did I GAIN 4 ounces this week. These things are unexplained to me. I ate fine, I had some activity. I would like to play the "gained some muscle this week" card but I didn't really do anything. I weighed in this morning at 256.6 lb's. I am assuming it is a plateau or sorts. I will push through it. In the past I have thrown up my hands when this happened and gone back to my old ways. Not this time. I will push through it and keep going.

In other news, Ayden and Asher and Tina are doing well. We had the rain stop long enough for Asher and I to go for a swim. He has been working on his math problems. He was awarded in school the award of Math Fact Champion for addition. He does pretty well with his addition. I have been teaching him some tricks for addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. He had a good time at church yesterday. At first he didnt want to go into his class so I had to sit with him for a while. But he warmed up and eventually started playing with a gal. Thata boy!

Ayden is doing well. She is about to undergo some shots. Hopefully those will go well and have no effect on her. Tina is doing well, she has got this whole mother thing down. She still questions her mothering ability at times but she really is great at it.

I saw Transformers last week. It was good. It was cool to be taken back 20 years to the days when I watched the cartoon every day and had a lot of the toys. Best movie I have seen this year. Hopefully Harry Potter will have something to say about that this week. I am excited for the book. I have it reserved. Oh and I have gotten some feedback on some different ways I could take pictures to show my weight progress. So in addition to the pictures I currently take, I am going to take a picture of me in some jeans. At first these jeans are going to be like spandex on me, but over time they will fit and most likely be to big for me. At least that is the goal. Peace. The pictures will be coming later tonight.


Jolley Family said...

Its all right. Hang in there. Also, are you taking your measurements? Sometimes those seem to change even if the scale doesn't.

Anonymous said...

definitely gaining weight during a diet isnt the most fun thing. keep with it though

Scott Blog said...

No i havent taken my measurements but i do know that my clothes were looser this week than last even though i didnt actually loose any weight.

Chris said...

I had a few weeks like that as well where I gained a few ounces. Hang in there. When you can run down a flight of stairs and not feel your man breasts jiggle, you'll be glad you did.