Well, so far the short term goals I set out to accomplish every week have been reached. I started this whole healthy thing 4 weeks ago to the day. This morning I weighed in at 256.2 lb's. So I lost exactly 3 lb's this week and a total loss of 20.4 lb's in 4 weeks. Not to bad. I am feeling good, the clothes are getting looser and I am getting more energy I think.
Asher arrived at the airport on Friday evening. He had a nice flight and said everyone treated him nicely. He looks like he has grown a foot since we last saw him in December. He is as skinny as a preying mantis. As my father in law likes to say "he could walk through a picket fence sideways." Asher and I had a hellacious dual of super soakers yesterday. He got 2 super soakers for his birthday. One of them was advertised as the ice blast. The idea is to fill up the container with ice, then water, then unload on your enemy. Now not only can you shoot a steady stream but there is this other soaker blast you can do which will shoot a ton of water in one shot. It would be equivalent to taking a pitcher and slinging it at your opponent. It was a good time. Needless to say, I dominated.
We are doing well. Ayden is growing and is 2 months old today. She is smiling and is so very beautiful. I thank her mom for that. She is a joy and is sleeping most of the night now which has been a blessing.
Due to my exercise the previous week I had to go to the doctor due to my knee popping every step I took. I was diagnosed with patella bursitis which is not really that big of a deal just an overuse injury. Also I had some ankle problem, but am not sure what the problem with that is. I get some blood work done later this week and then next week I will be violated by my doctor. I have to have a physical performed and as a precautionary measure I have to have the finger test to check for cancer. Not looking forward to that one. For those of you men laughing right now, just wait, your time is fast approaching. To you women reading this, you guys have been through much worse. Anyway enjoy the pictures, as always there are new Ayden pictures and some Asher pictures updated today. Take care.
congrats! keep it going!
work it jeremy!
I dare say you are sexier than Optimus Prime. I can't wait to see the movie tonight!!!
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