Monday, October 1, 2007

End of week 17

Well I weighed in at 231.6 lb's this morning. Down from 234 lb's last week. So I am down another 2.4 lb's which if my math is correct puts me at exactly 45 lb's lost in 17 weeks. I am pleased with it all. The other day I wore size 36 jeans. Granted they were a bit snug, but you couldn't count the quarters in my pocket so I didn't need to call a tailor. That was down from a very generous 42 pant size 17 weeks ago. So that is not to bad. I had my first day as a Trainer today. The training department and the company is about to explode. The opportunities for me in the training department are going to be great. I am really going to enjoy being a trainer and doing this for my career. I am really excited about it. My fantasy team is so bad and it is killing me. I hope to get the pictures up tonight for all of you.


Josh Smith said...

Wow, I haven't visited your blog in a while. How can I say this in a non-gay're looking good. Hmmm, I don't think there is a non-gay way to say that.
I'm glad to hear you've settled on a career, and I hope that goes well for you. I'll be down around Thanksgiving, so we'll have to get together...again in a non-gay way. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat, as long as you don't make me get a salad.

Chris said...

Maybe now that you've lost so much weight, you can go try out for the Eagles and replace McNabb. I want to break something.

Amy said...

Jeremy! That is amazing! Well I will be over again to bug you guys again on wednesday. Sorry I call so much all the time....hope you don't mind! Our cake class will be fun on saturday, it'll be a chance for us to all bond together some more!

Sarah said...

Good work, you look great. Dad was telling me how much he enjoyed seeing you the other weekend, I might be down at Thanksgiving so we will have to get together.

Scott Blog said...

You are on Josh. If you dont want a salad perhaps we can get you some tofu. Nah, I am just kidding, I dont eat that crap. We will go get a steak and some lobster.

Scott Blog said...

Amy you never are a bother to us. We certainly appreciate your willingness to help us out with Ayden. We are glad you enjoy doing it. You are always welcome.

Scott Blog said...

Sounds good Sarah. Thanks