Monday, October 15, 2007

End of Week 19

Well I missed last week as you all know. We have had a few things going on over the past couple of weeks. First let’s talk weight loss. The previous week I didn’t lose any weight and in fact gained a few pounds because I ate bad for about 2 days. It is really crazy. I can gain 4 lb’s in 2 days but it takes me 2 weeks to lose 4 lb’s typically. But that was just a mini blip on the radar and I got my eating back on track this past week. I still didn’t lose too much though. I don’t believe my weigh in this morning was accurate so I am going to weigh in again tomorrow morning. In other news, many of you have followed the saga that is my water bill. Last time I wrote about it I said we got about a $400 credit. Well let me update that number. After calibrating my water meter the county decided to not credit me $400. Instead they decided to credit me $900. So we owed nothing. Our meter is now fixed and our usage is well under average (we don’t bathe). Just kidding. But it looks like we may not have a legit irrigation leak. I am seeing moisture around some of my backyard sprinkler heads, and I haven’t watered back there for a week. Does anyone have any possible explanation as to why this would be other than a leak? In other news Ayden is doing well. We think she may be teething because her grumpy level has increased a bit lately. I have been working now as a full time Trainer for the past two weeks. I really enjoy it. I did my first client training session last week and it went pretty well all things considered. I have two more scheduled for later this week and I think I am going to be doing some onsite training at the end of this month in Pittsburg. I found out the other day that our company hit their bonus quota which is nice, we will be getting a little bonus at the end of this year. This past weekend I participate in the Richardson Corporate Challenge. My company had a basketball team that I played on. We got beat the first game 38 to 23. I scored 10 of those 23 points. That kind of tells you how bad our team was when I was the leading scorer. Actually I played pretty well. This is not breaking news, but my fantasy football team still sucks. I am not going to put up pictures of me this week because nothing has changed, but to give you some numbers on my progress thus far. When I started this eating lifestyle I weighed 276.6 lb’s and wore basically a size 43 pants. Today I weighed 234.2 lb’s and wear size 36 pants. So that is some nice progress. My weight goal is still about 185 lb’s so I still have around 50 lb’s I am going to try and loose. Anyway take care.

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