Monday, October 29, 2007

End of week 21

So life continues. All is well in the Scott household these days. Tina is doing well, Ayden is doing well and I am doing well. Ayden continues to grow and develop nicely. She still can make me smile and laugh anytime she wants to by looking at me with her big eyes and beautiful smile. Perhaps I am bias but she is so cute to me. She is a little shy. She will often stare at me, then I will look over at her and smile then she will smile and then shyly turn her head the other direction. She brings me such joy. We watched the movie “Meet the Robinsons” last night. We enjoyed it, it was a nice little movie. The movie that has the child genius in it always seems to be good, for example the Asian kid in Goonies …. I can’t think of any more at this moment. My co-owned fantasy football team finally got there first win yesterday. It came against the Hitmen owned by one Travis Scott. While it is nice to get a win, it is unlikely to mean anything unless we go on a good win streak. Even then it would be tough to make the playoffs. My health and weight are doing great. I eat the way I eat and it is habit at this point, so I don’t really worry about reverting back to my former weight or eating habits. I want to lose another 40 lb’s to get down to about 190 lb’s. I am thinking about beginning a running program. Although I hate running. I always have. I would rather play racquetball, basketball, football, tennis, etc… than run. We will see, but I am going to start doing something to accelerate my weight lose. I think it will take at least another 5 months to lose these last 40 lb’s, perhaps longer, unless I start exercising regularly. The only problem is when do I do it. When I get home every day at 5:45pm I would like to sit with my wife and daughter, relax, make dinner or help with it. I don’t want to get home, change clothes and take off for another hour. So really the choices are to get up early in the morning and run, or don’t run or workout at all. So far I have chosen the latter. My boy Asher seems to be doing fine. I booked his ticket the other day. He is going to be visiting us from December 26th to January 4th. He says he is enjoying school and meeting new friends. So I have some projects Tina has given me to do around the house. One of the things she would like me to do is build a headboard for our bed. Since I was only in my first house for about a month I have not really tackled any projects yet. In addition to the headboard I need to prepare my garden area for planting this spring, extend the back porch of our house and put up a few trellises on the side of the backyard. I don’t really have all the tools I need to accomplish this stuff. I know I don’t have the stuff to make a headboard at the moment. I don’t have a wheel barrel to mix and pour concrete. I don’t even have a ladder at the moment. I have to get used to being Tim “the tool man” Taylor (Home Improvement for those not in the know) around the house. I will enjoy doing these things around the house, but I am a perfectionist, so I hope I can satisfy myself with my level of work. I am excited about the holidays. I always love the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. I love the feel of it. The change of weather, the lights/decorations, the spirit of the season. It is a special time for me.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Springboks!! Congrats on the win! You are really doing great with your healthy eating. It's very inspirational to me, and helps me eat healthier too. I love you very much!

Amy said...

Jeremy! I have Preston making us an entire bed so if you want any pointers in that area then just ask him. Hopefully he'll be of help, more than someone else we know! ha ha....See ya tonight! The pizza will be delish!

~Jen~ said...

Hey Jeremy, I saw your blog linked off of Josh Smith's blog. (Hi Tina! I STILL miss you being my VT-er even though we moved almost 2 and 1/2 years ago)Anyway - I just was going to suggest a running program, I started it last January as a way to train to do a 5k, one of my 2007 goals. It is called Couch to 5k (in 9 weeks I think), it is for beginner level or "couch." I did it and was done in March, but procrastinated doing my 5k. I finally did one in July and then in September I did a Sprint Triathlon. The program was really simple and easy to get started b/c it starts slow, actually sometimes I thought it was moving too slow but then I'd try to move up and realized it was just the right pace.

Anyway just google couch to 5k and you should be able to find the program. Congrats on the baby, the weight loss and the new house!


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