Monday, September 24, 2007

End of week 16

Well 4 months has passed amazingly. I know my weekly goals are falling a little behind but progress continues to be made. I weighed in at 234 lb's today. So I lost another 4 ounces, but that is not bad considering I had a binge day. In total I have lost 42.6 lb's thus far. This week is the first week I have ever gone over my allotted points in a week. I binged yesterday, mostly out of depression for my fantasy football team. It dropped to 0 and 3 yesterday. But I got up this morning and got on the exercise bike for 45 minutes. I am going to try and do that about 5 days a week from now on. My weight loss should start picking up again. I am excited to get into the 220's.

In other news my dad, my grandma scott and my sister emma came and visited us yesterday. They came down from Wyoming to bring a horse to my Aunt Jennifer. It was good to see them. None of them had ever met Ayden so it was nice for them to be able to see her.

Ayden just a few days ago rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time. She is still not able to roll over from her stomach to her back.

I won my fight with the fresh water district. For those of you who haven't heard we were getting $200+ water bills every month, and our most recent one was almost $500. Well we have been fighting with the water management company for months now and then they threatened to turn off our water. So I had to go to the county offices and go on a 3 hour goose chase to try and find someone who had the power to make things right. I finally found myself on the 4th floor of the county offices speaking with the director of human resources for denton county. She was nice enough to give me a list of names over our fresh water district. After calling several names on that list I finally got in touch with the general manager for our district. He said our water definitely would not be turned off and that things would get fixed. Indeed they were. Our outstanding balance at this point was about $750. We got that marked down to $350 and the water issue is fixed from this time forth. What a beating that was for us.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow! I am glad you guys finally won!