Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Winds of change

Well a lot has transpired since my last blog. For those of you who haven't heard we are trying to get full custody of Asher after learning some of the things he had been going through over the years. We won emergency custody over the Christmas holidays so Asher did not have to go back to Oregon and started school with us here in Prosper. He is doing well. We have been playing baseball and football almost every day. I am going to try and get him into a basketball league starting pretty soon. He seems to be enjoying his school here so far. He is getting used to his new home here and we are getting used to having a 7 year old boy in our house. The decibel level changed when he arrived but it has been great, just takes some time to get used to it. The whole situation could be resolved in a week or two or might drag on for months depending on what the other side does.

In other news we had a nice Christmas and New Years spending and visiting with a lot of family. I took Microeconomics over the Christmas holiday since it was a class I needed for teacher certification. I am going to take the Social Studies composite test for 7-12 grades in February. That way I will be ready to get a job during the heavy teacher job fairs in March and April. I have interviewed for a computer tech job with the local school district hoping to get to know some people. I am set up to sub for Frisco ISD.

Ayden is doing well. She has been a bit crankier of late. Her one tooth is coming up and the other one is on the way and I think that has got her grumpy. She gets in the crawling position all the time but still hasn't figured out how to coordinate her movements to crawl yet.

Tina is doing fine as always.

In weight loss news, I let go during the holidays and probably gained about 13lb's. But the other day when I got on the scale I was back to 230lb's so I am only about 7lb's heavier than I was before the holidays. I am back to normal eating again and the weight is coming of again. The goal is still the same and I will get there but I am going to have to start doing some exercise. My playing with my brothers over the holidays has really hosed up my knee so I am unable to exercise at the moment, but Asher is keeping me active (which is probably also not allowing my knee to heal).

The Scott's are doing well, we are grateful for what we have and each other.


Sarah said...

Hey Jeremy, hope everything works out with Asher, it sounds like y'all are doing well. Let us know if we can do anything!

Josh Smith said...

Wow, how things can change in a month. Are you still using your same email?

Scott Blog said...


Hey email me at I think in the past you emailed me at my work email. Use my hotmail one instead.

Michelle said...

Tina, Jeremy, looks like your family is doing great! Sounds like a similar situation James is having. Except James is just trying to keep his son. Its tough, but it sounds like everything is working out well and that your family is growing and doing great.